Friday 11 March 2011


Some randomness in our lives :

  1. Dawter T scoring higher in her Chinese exams versus her English papers.
  2. Sleeping at 11pm then waking up at 4am, not able to go back to sleep anymore. Sleeping at 2pm then waking up at 640am. Sleepness nights.
  3. Winning a signed copy of Just One Of The Guys by Kristan Higgins by simply signing up on her mailing list. I love romantic comedies!
  4. Bebi A whispered to me at church, "Mommy, don't get mad. But, someone from the bus gave me my favorite cookies." An aunty gave her a pack of Hello Panda and it's not her favorite cookie!
  5. Learning to move on. Forgiveness.


Benga said...

I also like Kristan Higgins, I just read one of her book from the library. Am not a book person but I'm trying my best to read (finish) at least one book a month and a light romantic comedy makes it possible hahaha

Jolanda said...

I love to read.
Now i'm reading Jil Mansell.
Have a nice weekend!!