Friday, 23 December 2011
December To Remember : Ingredients
Bebi A couldn't helped gushing as I prepare it. What with the Spam, Franks, cheeze that I added, all of which are her favorites. But, I am digressing... The thing is, I couldn't find sweet pickle relish. I bought pickled Gherkins from the supermarket but when I tasted it, it was different or maybe because I didn't buy the sweet one.
I have tried the mixture and it was lacking of tangy/sweet thing. Or is it all in my mind? I am waiting for the Filipino store to open and ask if they have it. But, that's another trip which my husband will probably shake his head off. How I miss Singapore's buses and trains, well even the taxi!
Thursday, 22 December 2011
December to Remember : A Christmas Card
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
December to Remember : Last Challenge for SC
I know I will still miss being with SC DT. They are a great bunch of gals. But, my new role as domestic goddess (yes, I call myself that!) and a working mom still needs some major getting used to. And my scrap stuffs are still inside the boxes and though I am taking them out one by one, I couldn't really focus because there are are projects to finishes, dishes to wash and 2 girls to look after.
Maybe someday I will be able to scrap "fulltime" again...
Anyways, I hope you can join me in my last challenge at SC. Here it goes :
Dear Santa,
I'm sure all of us has been good and nice, never naughty!
In fact, our Wild Card challenge is to make a project with a letter to you and then to tell you how good we are!
And, Of course, that letter also includes our wish lists (ehem!) ...
Here's a sample and I hope you'll like it!
If Santa doesn't stop by, we'll just do a random draw for Fancy Pants Love Story Collection.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
December To Remember : The Good News
Our move starting from the time we left Melbourne in June til now was centered on our daughters' school. Pre and I were focused on the girls' adjustment. We wanted to enroll them in a school where they know someone. So, we planned on getting them into St. Peter Chanel. We just didn't realize THEN that it's not that easy.
- When Pre got his job, I asked if we should still pursue the school since his job is in the EAST. The school is in the WEST. He said it's ok. He will manage.
- When Pre was house hunting and couldn't find a house near the school, I wondered if we should just enroll them in another Catholic School. He said we'll find one. Have faith. We did find one. Not our dream house. We will manage.
- When we came to Melbourne to start our new life and was told that there are no more slots for level 4. We were devastated. It's like everything that led to this was just not worth it. But, Pre said they will get in, let's just have faith. I called the school a number of times, pleading until the principal emailed me that they really don't have a slot for level 4 but there's a student who might be leaving and that will free up one slot. He will contact me if the family confirms their decision.
- And, as for myself, I decided to just pray and wait (but with a little anxiousness on the side). Until yesterday when I couldn't take it anymore. I sms my friend B and she said she'll come with me to the other school. I told her that I will just a get a recommendation letter from the priest but I emailed the principal again, hoping he will answer with good news. My girls took their time taking a bath and we ended up going there at around 11AM. The parish secretary greeted us and she informed us that the priest said mass somewhere. As we were walking away, I was thinking maybe we don't need the letter anymore, maybe St. Peter will have a slot.
- We went home, tired after a 20 minute walk (to and fro). Trying to pacify the girls, I allowed them to create cards on Smiggle website (AGAIN!) I started to work and then lo and behold... An email pop up on my screen ~~~ from the principal. I was bracing myself for not so good news but before I opened it, I said a little prayer. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that he has good news for me. Hahaha. I jumped up and down, did a little jiggy dance, my girls looked up but resumed their "work" on their Smiggle's card. I told them the good news but they just smiled at me. Huh! Funny Moment!
- That lifted a little thorn (okay, big thorn) on my chest! The priest called me in the afternoon, I don't even know where he got my number but he confirmed that I can just bring the girls to St. Peter, that everything is alright now. That I don't need a letter for the other school.
God works in mysterious ways, but I know his continuous work in me. I never learn. I never fathom that he wants me to be PATIENT and to ALWAYS PUT MY TRUST IN HIM. I always had to do something. And, my something is not enough until HE DOES HIS WAY.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
December To Remember : Laughter
We were on our way to the city via train and Dawter T asked if we can play World's Longest Sentence.
We were all being silly with the words. We laughed from Albion to Melbourne Central.
Pre said, "This is the best day ever!" Hahaha
December to Remember : Oh Christmas Tree!
We were kinda late in putting up a Christmas. In fact, my not-so-sentimental hubby didn't want to put one at all! But, we had to insist, since it's our first Christmas here!
I was very happy to find the DIY Christmas ball. Good thing, I have some family photos with me. And, of course, I can't fail to mention the butterflies... That was a good find! I was thinking to add one everyone. I hope I get to find them every year. Hehehe.
My daughter asked me why are we putting butterflies in our Christmas tree? Hmmm, my answer was ~~~ Butterflies are pretty like you and Bebi A. Ok, not so profound... But, I just had to put them.
I've been seeing a lot of butterflies lately, at our backyard which looks like the untamed wild now hahaha and while walking outside. When butterflies visit, I feel like a friend is visiting me. I just get this nice, "it's a good day" feeling.
So, now, I just look at the colorful butterfly ornaments and I feel that it will be a good life.
Friday, 2 December 2011
December to Remember : Four Seasons
Aside from the cold, I'm quite happy with the clouds. I was telling Dawter T how I can see cloud formations here while we hang our clothes outside. It's like a scrapbook page but I would say better. It gives me this feeling of serenity while I look at it, it makes washing the dishes bearable (LOL) coz I look at it while I do this chore. (Dishwashing is my least favorite chore)
Thursday, 1 December 2011
December to Remember : Home Sweet Home
So. HELLO from Down Under!
We still don't have internet connection yet and I am connecting via Iphone which I'd say works pretty well for me. The speed is bearable and I am even on VPN at this point. VPN because I WAS SO EAGER BEFORE to start work. Now... It's a different story. Hehe.
The house that Pre found is very simple, it's out in the suburb, near the supposedly school where we want the girls to go to. Unfortunately, we were too late and they don't have a slot for Dawter T in level 4. I was quite worried and instead of being happy that our family is finally together, I threw a tantrum. Hehe. Yes, I did! I think the first time ever! Well, it didn't last very long coz my husband won't allow it to. He talked to me seriously, he didn't raise his voice but asked me to talk to him. I was so happy with this change in him, being far for a few months does wonders, hehehe...
My work is with the same company, they rehired me on contract basis. I work from home for a few months. Hopefully, for 12 months hahaha as the office is quite far from our place.
It's good to be back online even on a quota basis. I missed this blog. Hopefully I can get crafty soon!