Friday 2 December 2011

December to Remember : Four Seasons

Though we were looking forward to four seasons. The cold was the least we're after. We're finding out that Melbourne, for all its raw beauty, has four seasons in one day. Hehe. And, it gets really COLD in the early morning. One thing I've noticed is that you'll get numb to the cold after awhile. I remember my previous company where we had to work inside the data center almost all day and the cold was unbearable. It was sort of like that ~ but fresher (?) hehehe

Aside from the cold, I'm quite happy with the clouds. I was telling Dawter T how I can see cloud formations here while we hang our clothes outside. It's like a scrapbook page but I would say better. It gives me this feeling of serenity while I look at it, it makes washing the dishes bearable (LOL) coz I look at it while I do this chore. (Dishwashing is my least favorite chore)

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